Error in Write to Data Store Entity



I am getting the following error while using Write to Data Store Entity: 


There is a problem with task “Write to Data Store Entity” in the process “ABC - Customer”. An error occurred while trying to write to the entity “ABC_DETAILS” [id=d6884946-c52f-4ba9-af6c-832f42eaca5c@505871, type=ABC_CRHDetails (id=2778)] (data store: ABC). Details: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save(): ABCDetailsDT35252 Data: TypedValue[it=2778,v={<null>,<null>,Apoorva Mathur,,,,+91 80 2540,,,,,,<null>,65.0,676.0,76576.0,<null>,[Document:508660]}]


TIA :) 

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  • Hello,

    Do you have nested  CDT? This error can be generated if you do not have properly set it up. if you have 1 to 1 or 1 to many you have Cascade = All behavior, that means "Updates to a parent value should also update associated child value(s)" tick box enable and the other not. That setting is in the Foreign key.

    Once you do the changes, you might need to Drop the table and the nested ones (with disable foreign keys check) and create again the table from the Data Store.

    I personally never use nested CDTs, it makes it easier to manage process models and stuff but you lose a bit of control over the data, specially if you have to run some scripts to update some data.

    Let us know if that solve the issue.

  • Hello,

    Do you have nested  CDT? This error can be generated if you do not have properly set it up. if you have 1 to 1 or 1 to many you have Cascade = All behavior, that means "Updates to a parent value should also update associated child value(s)" tick box enable and the other not. That setting is in the Foreign key.

    Once you do the changes, you might need to Drop the table and the nested ones (with disable foreign keys check) and create again the table from the Data Store.

    I personally never use nested CDTs, it makes it easier to manage process models and stuff but you lose a bit of control over the data, specially if you have to run some scripts to update some data.

    Let us know if that solve the issue.

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