I'm having this problem:
I have to divide an array when 2 conditions are met (same name and country).
I've resolved this problem using "whereContains(firstCondition)" interescting it with "whereContains(Second Condition)"
Now i have this nested array:
Now i would like to index the Numbers Arrays into ri!array, but i can't find a way other then 2 nested a!forEach to fv!item every array.
How can i make the 2 nested a!forEach work?
Or do you have some other ideas?
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Hi Gabriele,
Can you explain your use case with example like
input : array1
input : array2
output : ?
input: (ri!array)
function for intersection:
{ load( local!whereName: a!forEach( items: union(ri!array.name,ri!array.name), expression: wherecontains(fv!item, ri!array.name),local!whereCountry: a!forEach( items: union(ri!array.countryId,ri!array.countryId), expression: wherecontains(fv!item,ri!array.countryId)),local!result: a!forEach( items: local!whereName, expression: rule!nestedIntersaction(numberArray: fv!item, arrayOfArrays: local!whereCountry) /*This rule makes the intersaction of the local variables*/),local!result)}
Where the result is:
The result that i want now is:ri!array[SUB_ARRAY]
For every Sub_Array of type "List of Number"
The problem i find is in the fact that mine is a List of List of List of Number, with this it doesn't work a simple "a!forEach"
Just FYI - wherecontains() already accepts 2 array parameters, so you might not even need to a!forEach() over ri!array.name.
Also: have you tried passing your current output through the a!flatten() function yet?
Thanks for the answer
Unfortunately a!flatten() doesn't preserve the array structure that i need (the List of List of Numbers). There is a way to make a!flatten() work only on the top most level?
Some follow-up questions: what is the nature and contents of ri!array, and of ri!name? Where and how is local!whereMa defined? In plain terms, what are you trying to accomplish with this code? I think it might be more helpful if we can step back and see if this can be simplified somewhat, which I suspect is true but it's hard to know without more details.
ri!array is an array of cdt.
The aim would be to subdived this array into sub arrays that have the same name and country.
What i thought is to get the interesaction of where the values of country is the same with where the name are the same.
The data is retrivable also by a query rule, but i would have the same problem of cycling for all the countries and names in the cdt Array (ri!array)
The end goal would be to have a List of List of the cdt, a list of (ri!array) divided simultaneously by name and country
Thanks for clarifying. Should I assume that the one instance of ri!name in your example code should actually read as ri!array also? I see that local!whereMa was intended to be local!whereName, thanks for fixing that.
Can you perhaps provide a small example of an input value for ri!array, and what your expected end result would be given that input?
ri!array (i discarded some field to make it readable):
List of Dictionary: 12 items
name: "a" countryId: "201" productName: "ex1" packSize: "20 tablets"
name: "a" countryId: "201" productName: "ex2" packSize: "12 tablets"
name: "b" countryId: "121" productName: "bel21" packSize: "21 tablets"
name: "c" countryId: "121" productName: "p18A" packSize: "18 tablets"
name: "c" countryId: "121" productName: "p24A" packSize: "24 tablets"
name: "c" countryId: "52" productName: "p27A" packSize: "27 tablets"
name: "c" countryId: "121" productName: "p27B" packSize: "27 tablets"
name: "c" countryId: "52" productName: "p18B" packSize: "18 tablets"
name: "c" countryId: "52" productName: "p24B" packSize: "24 tablets"
name: "b" countryId: "12" productName: "bel42" packSize: "42 tablets"
name: "a" countryId: "121" productName: "ex4" packSize: "10 tablets"
name: "a" countryId: "121" productName: "ex5" packSize: "6 tablets"
Raw: {{name: "a", countryId: "201", productName: "ex1", packSize: "20 tablets"}, {name: "a", countryId: "201", productName: "ex2", packSize: "12 tablets"}, {name: "b", countryId: "121", productName: "bel21", packSize: "21 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "121", productName: "p18A", packSize: "18 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "121", productName: "p24A", packSize: "24 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "52", productName: "p27A", packSize: "27 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "121", productName: "p27B", packSize: "27 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "52", productName: "p18B", packSize: "18 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "52", productName: "p24B", packSize: "24 tablets"}, {name: "b", countryId: "12", productName: "bel42", packSize: "42 tablets"}, {name: "a", countryId: "121", productName: "ex4", packSize: "10 tablets"}, {name: "a", countryId: "121", productName: "ex5", packSize: "6 tablets"}}
Consider this alternate implementation (i made up my own structure for ri!array as you hadn't replied yet, but I think it's similar enough to fit into your data model)
a!localVariables( local!array: { { item: "stapler", name: "Mike", countryId: 1 }, { item: "printer", name: "Larry", countryId: 2 }, { item: "laptop", name: "Mike", countryId: 1 }, { item: "glass", name: "Mike", countryId: 3 } }, local!allNameCountryPairs: a!forEach( local!array, { name: fv!item.name, countryId: fv!item.countryId } ), local!uniqueNameCountryPairs: union(local!allNameCountryPairs, local!allNameCountryPairs), a!forEach( local!uniqueNameCountryPairs, a!localVariables( local!currentEntry: fv!item, a!forEach( local!array, if( and( local!currentEntry.name = fv!item.name, local!currentEntry.countryId = fv!item.countryId ), fv!item, {} ) ) ) ) )
Here, instead of worrying about grabbing indices for the unique names / country IDs and trying to do a complicated extraction of the overlaps, we instead simply get a list of all unique name/countryId pairs first, then iterate over that list and (inside) iterate over the original list and return any entries where the values match. Output below:
ri!array is in this form (i removed some fields to make it readable, there would be many more):
{name: "a", countryId: "201", productName: "ex1", packSize: "20 tablets"},
{name: "a", countryId: "201", productName: "ex2", packSize: "12 tablets"},
{name: "a", countryId: "121", productName: "ex4", packSize: "10 tablets"},
{name: "a", countryId: "121", productName: "ex5", packSize: "6 tablets"},
{name: "b", countryId: "121", productName: "bel21", packSize: "21 tablets"},
{name: "b", countryId: "15", productName: "bel42", packSize: "42 tablets"},
{name: "c", countryId: "121", productName: "p18A", packSize: "18 tablets"},
{name: "c", countryId: "121", productName: "p24A", packSize: "24 tablets"},
{name: "c", countryId: "121", productName: "p27B", packSize: "27 tablets"},
{name: "c", countryId: "52", productName: "p27A", packSize: "27 tablets"},
{name: "c", countryId: "52", productName: "p18B", packSize: "18 tablets"},
{name: "c", countryId: "52", productName: "p24B", packSize: "24 tablets"}
The division should be:
{ { {name: "a", countryId: "201",productName: "ex1", packSize: "20 tablets"}, {name: "a", countryId: "201",productName: "ex2", packSize: "12 tablets"}},{ {name: "a", countryId: "121",productName: "ex4", packSize: "10 tablets"}, {name: "a", countryId: "121",productName: "ex5", packSize: "6 tablets"}},{ {name: "b", countryId: "121",productName: "bel21", packSize: "21 tablets"}},{ {name: "b", countryId: "15",productName: "bel42", packSize: "42 tablets"}},{ {name: "c", countryId: "121",productName: "p18A", packSize: "18 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "121",productName: "p24A", packSize: "24 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "121",productName: "p27B", packSize: "27 tablets"}
},{ {name: "c", countryId: "52",productName: "p27A", packSize: "27 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "52",productName: "p18B", packSize: "18 tablets"}, {name: "c", countryId: "52",productName: "p24B", packSize: "24 tablets"}}}
My last reply (as well as yours) have apparently disappeared - did you have a chance to see it?
edit: restored, thanks!
No, sorry, what about you?
It was flagged as "Spam", don't know why
that's a great solution!
Thanks for confirming :)