Hi all,
I am getting data from excel sheet (3 Columns), I just need to validate 1 column in that excel sheet could you tell me how can i get the 1st column seperatly by using readexcelsheet() function
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You should be able to index the return it gives you. When recently using this we found turning the result set in to json and then from json helped us navigate around the data set far easier and apply validation.
here I need 1st coumn for one validation and 2nd column for another validation Separately
in readexcelsheet() we have numberOfColumns parameter you can use that
readexcelsheet( todocument( 123456 ), 0, 0, 1)
where 4 th parameter is numberOfColumns
if i use this i am getting 2 columns combinly
that means
If I use numberOfColumns i am getting {data1; data-A; data2; data-B}
I need output like
{data-A; data-B}
a!localVariables( local!data: readexcelsheet( todocument( 123456 ), 0, 0 ).result.values, a!forEach( items: { 1, 2 }, expression: a!localVariables( value: fv!item, a!forEach( items: local!data, expression: fv!item[local!value] ) ) ))