Interface Error dealing with an array inside a CDT

Briefly, the situation is as follows:
-My Data Type of a FIR_BusinessPartner, has an array of Contacts, of data type FIR_Contacts.

-In my FIR_AddBusinessPartnerForm, at least 1 contact info is required.

-Although I am passing a BusinessPartner as a RI, which includes an array of FIR_Contacts, it still won’t let me access that array properly.



1- For example, in FirstName text box, I can’t “Save Input to” “ri!businessPartner.contacts.firstName” naturally, I have to type that as an expression, is that normal?

2- It is not allowing me to “Display Data” with the same expression above, gives me an error of the following.

Please advise.

Thank you.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    If you're acting upon an unpopulated ri!businessPartner, then the error you're seeing would be expected as far as I know.  "ri!businessPartner.contacts" would refer to an empty set, and the further ".firstName" property would not exist within that empty set, directly leading to the error message you've posted. 

    If you're adding a new Business Partner, i'm thinking you'll want to have a control on the form where the user clicks to add the first Contact, and that click would add an empty FIR_Contact entry to the first entry of ri!businessPartner.contacts; at this point you could directly address that new instance and save data into it.  This might be a good use case for an editable grid (even if it just has one or two fields per row) as it implicitly handles arrays like this when configured properly.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    If you're acting upon an unpopulated ri!businessPartner, then the error you're seeing would be expected as far as I know.  "ri!businessPartner.contacts" would refer to an empty set, and the further ".firstName" property would not exist within that empty set, directly leading to the error message you've posted. 

    If you're adding a new Business Partner, i'm thinking you'll want to have a control on the form where the user clicks to add the first Contact, and that click would add an empty FIR_Contact entry to the first entry of ri!businessPartner.contacts; at this point you could directly address that new instance and save data into it.  This might be a good use case for an editable grid (even if it just has one or two fields per row) as it implicitly handles arrays like this when configured properly.

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