Parsing null value into query rule not working when null is of type number (integer)


I have a query rule which takes the value of a query filter in ri!transactionTypeId of type Number (Integer) array.

field: "transactionTypeId",
operator: "IN",
value: ri!transactionTypeId

I have also have ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true.

When I parse "null" as my test input, my data returns the values correctly. It also returns the correct data if I input a number.

However, when I call the rule from my interface and parse a local variable i.e. local!transaction.transactionTypeId which is a Number (Integer) into ri!transactionTypeId, the query rule is not returning any data when local!transaction.transactionTypeId = null. 

I noticed the value is parsing as null(Number (Integer)). So I tried fn!tointeger(null) as the test input in my query rule I also get no results returned. However just 'null' works.

How do I get it to recognise the null value and to ignore the filter?


EDIT: in order to get this working I've added the applyWhen as per below

field: "transactionTypeId",
operator: "IN",
value: ri!transactionTypeId,
applyWhen: not(rule!AAA_CMN_IsEmpty(ri!transactionTypeId))

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