Data Store Entity Error


I have two doubt related to data Store entity:

1) After matching with cdt name and publishing the data am getting an error " Unable to automatically create tables". I have the DDL which i have attached. Can someone help me like what change am supposed to do so it starts working. 


/* WARNING: The DDL commented out below will drop and re-create all tables.
    drop table if exists `tccustomerdetails`;

    drop table if exists `tckycdetails`;

    drop table if exists `tcuserinfo`;

    create table `tccustomerdetails` (
        `customerid` integer not null auto_increment,
        `firstname` varchar(255),
        `lastname` varchar(255),
        `mobile` integer,
        `email` varchar(255),
        `customertype` varchar(255),
        `userid` varchar(255),
        `password` varchar(255),
        `confirmpassword` varchar(255),
        `updatepassword` varchar(255),
        `updateuserid` varchar(255),
        `createdby` varchar(255),
        `createdon` datetime,
        `updatedby` varchar(255),
        `updatedon` datetime,
        `requesttype` varchar(255),
        `requestid` integer,
        primary key (`customerid`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    create table `tckycdetails` (
        `kycid` integer not null auto_increment,
        `d01` varchar(255),
        `d01passport` varchar(255),
        `d01docnumber` varchar(255),
        `d01name` varchar(255),
        `d01date` date,
        `d01upload` varchar(255),
        `d02` varchar(255),
        `d02passport` varchar(255),
        `d02docnumber` varchar(255),
        `d02name` varchar(255),
        `d02date` date,
        `d02upload` varchar(255),
        `d03` varchar(255),
        `d03passport` varchar(255),
        `d03docnumber` varchar(255),
        `d03name` varchar(255),
        `d03date` date,
        `d03upload` varchar(255),
        `d04` varchar(255),
        `d04passport` varchar(255),
        `d04docnumber` varchar(255),
        `d04name` varchar(255),
        `d04date` date,
        `d04upload` varchar(255),
        `d05` varchar(255),
        `d05passport` varchar(255),
        `d05docnumber` varchar(255),
        `d05name` varchar(255),
        `d05date` date,
        `d05upload` varchar(255),
        `addressline1` varchar(255),
        `addressline2` varchar(255),
        `addressline3` varchar(255),
        `city` varchar(255),
        `state` varchar(255),
        `pincode` integer,
        primary key (`kycid`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    create table `tcuserinfo` (
        `userid` integer not null auto_increment,
        `name` varchar(255),
        `dob` date,
        `email` varchar(255),
        `usertype` varchar(255),
        `submittime` datetime,
        `loginid` varchar(255),
        `phoneno` integer,
        `password` varchar(255),
        primary key (`userid`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

2) By Mistake i have clicked on save Draft in Data store .. If i try to map cdt and publish. It gets published in Appian Cloud but i cannot use that cdt while configuring Constant. Can someone help out.

Do find the screenshot attached.

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Parents Reply
  • I'm not sure I follow that question - were you able to publish the data store? Once you publish, the draft message should go away. Also you mentioned:

    It gets published in Appian Cloud but i cannot use that cdt while configuring Constant. Can someone help out.

    Can you describe how you are trying to use this? Are you saying you can't find the entity when creating a data store entity constant, or do you see it but it doesn't work? If possible, can you try to remove the entity, add it back, and republish?
