I'm reworking some rules to use the new dropdownField component instead of d

Certified Lead Developer
I'm reworking some rules to use the new dropdownField component instead of dropdownFieldByIndex
The record dashboard contains 5 of these field types.
The page used to take <2 seconds to display when using the ByIndex component.
It's now taking >20 seconds with the new version. Is anyone else experiencing these issues?...



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  • Tim, I've used both versions of the dropdown component and haven't noticed any performance difference, but I typically have fairly small (<10) numbers of choices. How big are your choice lists? Also, when you reworked your rules, is it possible you might have caused query rules or some other sort of data fetch to happen more times? That's probably the number one reason people experience slowdowns in rules.
  • Tim, I've used both versions of the dropdown component and haven't noticed any performance difference, but I typically have fairly small (<10) numbers of choices. How big are your choice lists? Also, when you reworked your rules, is it possible you might have caused query rules or some other sort of data fetch to happen more times? That's probably the number one reason people experience slowdowns in rules.
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