Expression-Based User Filters in Records

Hi All,

From the below code I'm trying to achieve the NAME of the filter should get from an Expression rule.

Suppose here my constant HD_DESIGNATION having three values SE,SSE and TL

but i should show in the record filter as Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead.

So i have created a CDT with columns id,Desig,Desig_full (1,SE,Software Engineer) like that.

I have achieved this using if condition (commented below) but i need to get this from my expression. If i pass fv!index of SE it should show Software Engineer in the Filter.

options: a!forEach(
items: cons!HD_DESIGNATION,
expression: a!recordFilterListOption(
name: rule!HD_ER_DesignationFull(id: fv!index).data,
/*fv!item="SE","Software Engineer",*/
/*if(fv!item="SSE","Senior Software Engineer",*/
/*if(fv!item="TL","Team Lead",""*/
/* */
/* */

filter: a!queryFilter(


using the above code I'm getting like this, but i need only "Software Engineer"

Thanks in advance

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