I am looking for a way to update a CDT field after each step of a process.
I am building a recruiting process. After each user task in the process model I would like to update the candidate CDT and write that to the datastore. However when I try to do so, I end up creating a new line (a new candidate everytime). But actually I just want to update the existing candidate.
It should work something like this:
Initial dataset:
After the phone interview:
After the OnSite interview:
I do have a running application, but it uses a workarround. In addition to the candidate CDT I am using a phoneInterview and a onSite CDT. Both CDTs have a foreign key candidateId.
How, can I achieve the same only using the candidate CDT? Thanks.
Best regards Karl
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In order for you to update a row in the database you need to know the index for that record. In other workds reference the candidateid when writting to the datastore. You will need to know if it is an update to a row or if it is a new row. If you want a new row don't reference the id, but for existing rows reference the id.