How to check specific range of values in Array.

The issue that I'm experiencing is that I have an list of dictionary's.
The structure of dictionary's is like

{ date: 03/05/2021,  code: "113", amount: "0", id: 4001 }, - END DELAY

{ date: 01/05/2021,  code: "110", amount: "234", id: 4002 }, - DELAY

{ date: 22/04/2021,  code: "110", amount: "234", id: 4003 }, - START DELAY

{ date: 18/04/2021,  code: "113", amount: "0", id: 4004 }, - END DELAY

{ date: 13/04/2021,  code: "110", amount: "234", id: 4005 }, - DELAY

{ date: 09/04/2021,  code: "115", amount: "0", id: 4006 },

{ date: 03/04/2021,  code: "110", amount: "234", id: 4007 }, - START DELAY

{ date: 18/02/2021,  code: "113", amount: "0", id: 4008 }, - END DELAY

{ date: 22/01/2021,  code: "110", amount: "234", id: 4009 }, - DELAY

{ date: 22/11/2020,  code: "105", amount: "0", id: 4010 },

{ date: 03/05/2020,  code: "103", amount: "0", id: 4011 },

{ date: 13/01/2019,  code: "110", amount: "234", id: 4012 }, - DELAY

{ date: 03/05/2016,  code: "110", amount: "234", id: 4013 }, - DELAY

... and so on.

I need to calculate delays in contract from this between code 113 and code 110 for every range as explained above (colored values).

Event (code) 110 means delay.
Event (code) 113 means the end of the delay.

Before reporting the end of delays (code=113 ), a contract can have more reported events (code) 110 (event is reported at least once a month)
One contract can have different long delays. Within the contract, I need to find the longest delay in 1 year.
I need to find all events (code) 113 in 1 year (365 days) and all related events 110 (the last events 110 is not necessarily to be within 1 year (it can be more than 1 year)

What is the best way to do this? How can I identify the ranges that I will know what is the starting "113" and ending "110". Thx.

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  • This is interesting logic to create rules for.. Just to confirm, this data is not stored in a database?  Typically I would do this type of calculation within a view on the DB side.

  • Basically this data is returned from integration call with complex structure and stored in DB later on so just to answer your question, Yes it is stored. Any idea about this logic? 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Let's see.

    Perhaps use wherecontains to get the index of every 113.  In example above you would have {1, 4, 8}.  Put that in a local variable.

    Now, break up the list into a list of lists, {{1,2,3},{4,5,6,7},{8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}}.  Put that in a local variable.

    Then forEach sublist, index(max( wherecontains(code 110))) That should get you {3, 7, 13 [if that's the end of the list for that one]} Put THAT in a local variable.

    Now, for each in {1, 4, 8}, subtract date at that index from date at {3, 7, and 13}  Now, you'll have a list of time intervals.  Wrap this last forEach in a max() function, should have it.  May be ways of tweaking this to work more efficient, but it's how I would start.

  • If you can calculate this based on your data store, that would be my preference.  This could be done in Appian however, with a little additional overhead. 

    This an example with MSSQL, over table chris_test_table (id,date,code,amount)

    ) 'daysDelayed'
    	CASE -- Return minimum 110 that is after the prior 113
    		WHEN (t.[code] = 113) THEN -- End of Delay
    				SELECT min(date) from chris_test_table t2 where< and code=110 and >= 
    				CASE -- If no prior 113s, return first 110
    					WHEN EXISTS (select * from chris_test_table t3 where< and t3.code=113) THEN
    						(select max(date) from chris_test_table t4 where< and t4.code=113)
    						(select min(date) from chris_test_table t5 where code=110)
    		ELSE null
    	END as 'delayStart'
    	FROM chris_test_table t
    ) a
    ORDER BY [date] asc

    This could be expanded as necessary and tied to a CDT in your application for easy access.

    The output puts the final delay details on the lines with the 113 / closing event as:

  • Thx. Chris for this but this is not ideal for me as an additional requirement is needed for my calculation. I can have a case with no 113 events as the client has an active delay with no end.  Also, the time range where I need to check this is 1 year and on every chunk of delay data, I need to add + 15 days as this is a requirement, for the calculation as the delay starts 15 days before the first 110 event. 

  • Do you have an idea how to break up the list that doesn't have a fixed value for the number of elements into a list of lists ( {{1,2,3},{4,5,6,7},{8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}} ) as you suggested? As this was just an example, events 113 and 110 can occur anytime and as many times I wont have same structure everytime so, we again return to the original question how do I know what is the end and star of my list/lists/chunks of data? 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Darko

      local!list: {1001, 1015, 1023, 1025, 1048, 1052, 1067, 1085, 1093, 1099, 1100, 1120, 1130},
      local!indeces: {1, 5, 11},
        expression: if(
            enumerate(length(local!list) - fv!item + 1) + fv!item
            enumerate(local!indeces[fv!index + 1] - fv!item) + fv!item

  • This is really helpful as I was able to break up my list to the indexes of code 113. Thx. The part that is not working for me is that I do need to do some calculations with code 113 and last code 110 from the broke up sublists. that I don't know how to find. Basically, the upper code that you provided is returning ok, and the pseudo "Then forEach sublist, index(max( wherecontains(code 110))) That should get you {3, 7, 13 [if that's the end of the list for that one]} Put THAT in a local variable." I'm getting 3,4,6 as the index of the positions of sublists that code 110 contains. 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Darko

    Yeah, you'll be getting the positions relative to each individual list.  If you grab the ID from that position in each list, and that should map to the right object in the parent, local!list.

  •  Could you please provide me with a code example for this? Thx in advance.