How to call decision rule in interface

Here, I have created a decision rule, My requirements are if I call this decision rule in the interface in the orgName field the tax Id and Address should be displayed.

How can i configure this in the interface?

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  • a!localVariables(
      local!address:rule!ALM_decisionRule(input1: "AKSHARA FOUNDATION"),
      columns: {
          contents: {
              label: " ",
              contents: {
                  label: "Donation Details",
                  contents: {
                      label: "Donor *",
                      labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                      placeholder: "Enter the name of the Donor",
                      maxSelections: 1,
                      value: ri!donationDetails.donarName,
                      saveInto: ri!donationDetails.donarName,
                      readOnly: ri!isReadOnly
                      items: {
                          item: a!dropdownField(
                            label: "Organization Name",
                            labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                            placeholder: "Choose a value",
                            choiceLabels: local!address,
                            choiceValues: local!address,
                            value: local!address,
                            saveInto: ri!donationDetails.orgName,
                            disabled: ri!isReadOnly

  • here in place of input: "Akshara foundation" i tried giving fv!item also bt it didnt wrk

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to gaddamv0001

    Sorry, I didn't get your full code (or) what you're trying to do exactly. But I've attached a sample of how the decision can be used.

      local!address: rule!ALM_decisionRule(input1: "AKSHARA FOUNDATION"),
          label: " ",
          contents: {
              label: "Donation Details",
              contents: {
                  items: {
                      item: a!textField(
                        label: "Organization Tax Id",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        readOnly: true(),
                        value: local!address.output1
                      item: a!textField(
                        label: "Organization Address",
                        labelPosition: "ABOVE",
                        readOnly: true(),
                        value: local!address.output2

  • Actually here. in this code i am trying to pass the decision rule in place of choice values and choice labels so when a person selects the field he can see the options.

    ( In my decision rule the input1 values are me organisation name values and my ouput1 value is my taxid and my output 2 is my address) 

    items: {
    item: a!dropdownField(
    label: "Organization Name",
    labelPosition: "ABOVE",
    placeholder: "Choose a value",
    choiceLabels: local!address,
    choiceValues: local!address,
    value: local!address,
    saveInto: ri!donationDetails.orgName,
    disabled: ri!isReadOnly


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to gaddamv0001

    Decision objects in Appian are meant to return specific output values based on the input value. You have designed your decision like it'll return only one output (tax Id & Address) for the given input name. So the output is always going to be a single map with two fields.

    This data is not apt for passing as choice values in a drop-down. I'd recommend rethinking your design approach.