Filtering using array and "not in" operator

I am trying to filter out some problematic records from an API request. Please could you help with the following code?

  * Run the "queryEntity()" function on "cons!TDW_CHANGE_REQ_DETAILS_DS" to retrieve data for the
  * first 50 data store entities and store this in a local variable named
  * "local!entities".
  local!entities: a!queryEntity(
    entity: cons!TDW_CHANGE_REQ_DETAILS_DS,
    query: a!query(
      filters: {
        field: "schemeId",
        operator: "not in",
        value: (70011, 70012, 70019, 70306, 70317, 70326, 70328, 70359, 70752, 70924, 71086, 71241, 71243, 71245, 71247, 71249, 71251, 71257, 71262, 71263, 71266)
      pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
        startIndex: 1,
        batchSize: -1
    fetchTotalCount: true

  * Construct an HTTP response that contains the information that we just stored
  * in "local!entities".
    * Set an HTTP header that tells the client that the body of the response
    * will be JSON-encoded.
    headers: {
      a!httpHeader(name: "Content-Type", value: "application/json")
    * JSON-encode the value of "local!entities" and place it in the response body.
    body: a!toJson(value: local!entities)

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Parents Reply
  • I have tried changing the operators and checking the brackets and I have verified the syntax of a!queryfilter. I am new to this so I am adapting existing code a little bit blind to be honest.

    The aim is to remove those records which appear more than once in the columns of the cons!TDW_CHANGE_REQ_DETAILS_DS store. I have identified manually that those listed appear more than once so I was seeking to filter them out, however if there is a way to do so automatically that would be even better as I will not have to update the query going forward.

