I would like to be able to pass the ALL the data for a selected record (using the data type for the individual record) to a related action. However when I try, I get the attached message. Is there a way to do this? It is possible to pass rv!record to a record view, for example.
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It's a little silly, but as far as I've been able to tell you either have to construct the CDT manually by referencing all fields manually, OR (and slightly easier) query the CDT using the rv!identifier and an a!queryEntity call.
It's a little infuriating that the data is right there and you can reference each individual field but the entire record CDT is not made available. I know it used to be like this, I had hoped it had changed!
I personally prefer querying with the rv!identifier as a manually constructed CDT may require updating if the fields change and it's easy to forget.
Yes, querying is my preferred method as well. Another strength of this approach is that often a record type will (or at least can) be based on a specialized CDT / View that's fine-tuned just for use in the record type, but for a related action you might want to pass in the "normal" basic CDT from the table upon which the record type view is based. That would be very cumbersome to do otherwise.
Great point Mike!