Find duplicate combinations in Database

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way find out duplicate combinations in Appian DB Table and delete them.

For Example there is a table with columns Name and Place 

John Newyork
Tom Washington
John Newyork
Robert Boston

Now how to find out the duplicate combination for John and Washington and keep only one record of that combination


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  • First, I never recommend deleting any data unless there are legal obligations to do so - design patters should be configured to utilize something such as a "cancelled" flag which allows the data to retain but removes them from reporting/process data.

    However for related endeavors, I will typically create a view on the DB side which exposes a 'total count' column for the fields in question, if this is a specific activity.  Alternatively, you will want to review a!queryAggregation().  This can help to return a list of distinct values across those fields, then you can query back to the DB over each set to determine the count of that combination and return the ids to use one for removal.

    What is the data set size like?  Manageable, or massive amounts of rows, etc?

      local!aggregationFields: {"requestByDivision","approval"},
      local!data: a!queryEntity(
        entity: cons!COE_DS_SAMPLE,
        query: a!query(
          paginginfo: a!pagingInfo(1,100),
          aggregation: a!queryAggregation(
            aggregationColumns: a!forEach(
              items: local!aggregationFields,
              expression: a!queryAggregationColumn(
                field: fv!item,
                isgrouping: true

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer


    You can also use the following database query to identify duplicate values.

    select name,
    count(name) as count
    From dbTable
    Group By name, place
    Order by count(name) desc