Looping API call

Hi. I'm a novice so as much help as possible would be appreciated!

I have managed to work out how to extract the data I want via an API, however, there's too much of it and I get a memory error when setting the batch size to -1. Smaller batches work fine, so:

1. How do I loop the code below so that it returns smaller batches (1000)?
2. How do I merge these batches back into one file as would happen in a single call to the endpoint?

Thanks in advance,


  local!entities: a!queryEntity(
    entity: cons!TDW_REVIEWERS_ANSWER_DS,
    query: a!query(
      selection: a!querySelection(
        columns: {
          a!queryColumn(field: "respondedDate"),
          a!queryColumn(field: "schemeId"),
          a!queryColumn(field: "answer"),
          a!queryColumn(field: "comment"),
          a!queryColumn(field: "reviewer")
      logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression(
        operator: "AND",
        filters: {
            field: "schemeId",
            operator: ">=",
            value: 70000
          a!queryFilter(field: "comment", operator: ">", value: " "),
            field: "comment",
            operator: "<>",
            value: "Test"
        ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true
      pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1)
    fetchTotalCount: true
    headers: {
        name: "Content-Type",
        value: "application/json"
    body: a!toJson(value: local!entities)

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