record link is jumbled and getting error

Hi Readers,

I have a scenario where i need help to complete.

The scenario is i have 2 record types they are which are related as one to many relation

Below are the two table table: Table_A and Table_B which are related by CLuster_ID one to many relation ship

Table_A: Number of records in table_A are 4

Cluster_ID(PK) Cluster_name
1 Cluster-1
2 Cluster-2
3 Cluster-3
4 Cluster-4

Table_B: Number of records in table_B are 8  

VM_ID VM_Name Cluster_Name
1 VM-1 Cluster-1
2 VM-2 Cluster-1
3 VM-3 Cluster-2
4 VM-4 Cluster-2
5 VM-5 Cluster-3
6 VM-6 Cluster-3
7 VM-7 Cluster-4
8 VM-8 Cluster-4

Here table_B is used as the final interface to view the data, hence i have used record link to get the summary view for both table on VM_name and Cluster_name

For VM_Name the summary view is working fine for all the records but for summary view for cluster_name in table_B its working fine for only 1st four rows and for the rest of the rows getting error as below snip.

and when opening link cluster-1 in table-2 1st column i am getting the summary view of cluster-1 -- This should be fine, but issue is with below once

and when opening link cluster-1 in table-2 2nd column i am getting the summary view of cluster-2

and when opening link cluster-2 in table-2 3rd column i am getting the summary view of cluster-3

and when opening link cluster-2 in table-2 4th column i am getting the summary view of cluster-4

and when opening link cluster-3 in table-2 5th column i am getting the summary view of cluster-5 -- Getting the error snip as above

what is expected is which ever link is pressed or opened the summary of that label need to shown

Generic code used for record link for cluster_column in table_B 

    label: "Cluster_Name",
    sortField: 'recordType!ivVm.relationships.ivCluster.fields.Windows_Cluster_Name',
    value:  a!linkField(
      links: {
          label: fv!row['recordType!ivVm.relationships.ivCluster.fields.Windows_Cluster_Name'],
          recordType: 'recordType!IV Cluster',
          identifier: fv!identifier

Would like to know what changes need to be done if anything need to be done at identifier

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