Refresh Data in readOnly grid with datasource a!queryProcessAnalytics

Certified Senior Developer


I have one main dashboard that displays a readonly grid which has as datasource one expression rule in which i have a a!queryProcessAnalytics.

In the grid that I display I'm using a!processTaskLink().

The problem is in case an action is taken on one task where it should return back to the same user, it won't be displayed in the grid anymore (most of the time), only after they refresh the page.

I would like to avoid the refresh button on the page and I have also tried with refreshVariables and it doesn't work.

Any ideas how I can refresh first the grid and then display the page without being necessary to refresh the page?

Thank you!

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Andrei Iordache

    Thanks for the explanation - I see what you mean now.  I believe this is only truly "solvable" by compromising with one of perhaps a few different work-arounds.

    The issue is, as far as I've experienced, approximately, this: Having the user "close" a task with a Submit Button will submit that form and, once you break chaining, they will immediately be dumped back out to whatever interface they started on, while the process in the background might take its time spawning the new task (hence the delay you mention).

    My favorite and "purest" method to deal with this is to just provide them a "refresh" icon on their task list.  They'll get used to using it, IMHO.

    The second best method for dealing with this, and somewhat more direct, would be to branch the user to a different (chained) "confirmation" task, where the only information in that task is text saying "your task has been moved back to your task list" (etc).  The user is chained to this task while, *simultaneously* in the process, the original task (node) has been returned to, and by the time they hit the "close" button on the Confirmation task, the original (real) task will have spawned and will be waiting for them in their task list.  The main cost here is it adds *one click*, though most people won't care that much about a single additional click in cases like this.
