A question About queryFilter's function

I need input a user or group type value, and filtering data.

but a question emerged, if field of table is a list of user of group type, "in" of operator is not working.








 c1 List of User of Group - 2 item



c2 ...

c3 ...

I expected when I input one user, if the user in the list, data is able to filter. 

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  • There is a work arround. In the assignee, you pass the userContext and all the groups of which the user is a part. 

  • IMHO the approach here needs to be separated by use case - if we're intending to have a report of all user tasks and then filter by user or group assignment, then the viewer will need to actually enter the individual user(s) or group(s) they want to filter by.  If we're intending to show a report of all of an individual user's tasks on the other hand, including the ones to which they're assigned by group membership, then we should use the other style of report and pass in that username into the contextUsers value of the report. 

    Yes it's possible in special cases to do extreme workarounds to squeeze more out of a single query, but to me it gets too complicated too quickly to try to have a single report and force it to do everything.