How to set a foreign key after creating a Custom Data Type?

I created cdt after that i need to add foreign key, to link into the view table

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  • I've found that when you need to update your DB to add a column. (Don't add column in editor, it won't point to your DB column)

    1: Add Column in Database

    2: Open Data Type in editor

    3: Download XSD from Editor

    4: Edit XSD to add additional column (Try to copy an existing element group that matches new DB column Definition, and change labels)

    5: Save changes

    6: In Data Type editor, "Create new from XSD" and use your newly updated XSD

  • I've found that when you need to update your DB to add a column. (Don't add column in editor, it won't point to your DB column)

    1: Add Column in Database

    2: Open Data Type in editor

    3: Download XSD from Editor

    4: Edit XSD to add additional column (Try to copy an existing element group that matches new DB column Definition, and change labels)

    5: Save changes

    6: In Data Type editor, "Create new from XSD" and use your newly updated XSD

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