Hi Everyone,
I've got a CDT that has an Id as a Primary Key and then a Numeric field that is a reference to a previous same-cdt entry id.
Starting from an ID I need to back-track all the way to the first "father" entry. All should be done using Expression Rules.To give you an example I would like to start from contract ID:4 and backtrack all the way to ID 1 (that has no father id)
I managed to achieve the backtracking with a process but I can't make it work with a reduce() or a forEach() function.
Has someone found something like this in his history?
Best regards, Luca.
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Hi Luca,I wouldn't recommend using this type of recursion in Appian as it's not a best practice. But, I tried it using a recursive call to the main expression rule to backtrack through the list mainly using the displayvalue function. Here's the code snippet and it returns a list of strings that u can edit as per your requirement, for this case i passed the ri value as 4 -
"FID value is 3 FID value is 2 FID value is 1 Depth reached "(Text)
a!localVariables( local!cdtset: { 'type!{urn:com:appian:types}test_cdt_1'('ID': 1, 'fID': null), 'type!{urn:com:appian:types}test_cdt_1'('ID': 2, 'fID': 1), 'type!{urn:com:appian:types}test_cdt_1'('ID': 3, 'fID': 2), 'type!{urn:com:appian:types}test_cdt_1'('ID': 4, 'fID': 3) }, local!newvalue: displayvalue( ri!value, local!cdtset.'ID', local!cdtset.'fID', 0 ), if( or( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!newvalue), local!newvalue = 0 ), { "Depth reached " & local!newvalue }, { "FID value is " & local!newvalue & char(10) & rule!test_recursiveEr(local!newvalue) } ) )