After the data sync in Records the data is in cache to retrieve swiftly. Where can we see that data after the data sync in records to compare with the previous data sync?
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There is no UI to inspect the cached data except inside the record editor.
What do you want to achieve? Why would you want to compare something?
We are trying to check the data discrepancies between MDM and APPLICATION Data sources. And we need to figure it out where it is going wrong despite DATA SYNC.
I am not sure what you mean with "MDM" and "APPLICATION".
What is going wrong? What do you observe? Why do you think it is the sync mechanism? To support you, we will need to understand the issue.
You can query and data in Appian in parallel by using a!queryEntity and a!queryRecordType and compare this.
data sync system failure occurs data discrepancies between Master Data Management data source and "MY APPLICATION" data source. all the data is not populating(partially populating) even after data sync. Ultimately the records from the both data sources must be identical. That's the objective.
Do you see an error message? Is the data sync successful? Did you check the tomcat-stdout log file?
What does "all the data is not populating(partially populating)" mean? More details please.
"Total Data Sync" failed. Yes, checked in the tomcat-stdout log file.
2022-07-18 12:46:52,471 [RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-2] ERROR com.appiancorp.record.service.BulkLoadServiceImpl - Unrecoverable error in record data sync: Unable to sync due to a system failure. 2022-07-18 12:46:52,499 [RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-2] ERROR com.appiancorp.record.service.BulkLoadServiceImpl - Error syncing record type with uuid: 366eb36d-ddff-4817-8582-d9f073c70128 com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: Unable to sync due to a system failure. (APNX-1-4521-016) at com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianRuntimeException.<init>( at com.appiancorp.record.datasync.error.RecordDataSyncException.<init>( at com.appiancorp.record.datasync.error.UnretriableRecordDataSyncException.<init>( at com.appiancorp.record.datasync.error.GenericDataSyncException.<init>( at com.appiancorp.xbr.exceptions.ExpressionSourceExceptionTranslator.translateSourceException( at com.appiancorp.xbr.query.ExpressionDataReader.readInner( at com.appiancorp.xbr.query.ExpressionDataReader.readInner( at com.appiancorp.xbr.query.ExpressionDataReader.readNext( at com.appiancorp.xbr.query.ExpressionDataReader.readNext( at$readBatch$6(
What kind of record is this? DB or service backed?
DataBase Stefan Helzle
Is there more information in the logs, like an eventual "caused by" statement below that section? Also can you share what you're seeing the sync history view - does it show failed there as well? To be honest I'm not sure that is the correct error message because it mentions "XBR" in several places, which is an expression-backed record, not database backed.
That was exactly why I was asking for the nature of the record. If this is service backed, it might be an issue with the source expression.
Caused by: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianRuntimeException: The user [md429209] does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action because they are not in any role. (APNX-1-4188-001) at at at at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy124.getCachedImmutableCredentials(Unknown Source) at$GroupMembershipInfoProviderGmcImpl.getMemberGroupUuids( at at at at at at at at com.appiancorp.xbr.evaluator.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.evaluateToListOfMap( at com.appiancorp.xbr.evaluator.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.executeInner( at com.appiancorp.xbr.evaluator.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.execute( at com.appiancorp.xbr.query.ExpressionDataReader.readInner( ... 53 more
If you could post your source expression code, we could help. From the error messages, it looks like you try to check some group membership. This fails because of missing permissions.
Thank you Stefan Helzle.
Does this solve the issue? Is the record DB or service backed?
Next time when posting here, please provide the necessary details in the beginning to get a proper answer much faster.