date zone comparison

Certified Associate Developer

I want to compare the different time zone applied all possible functions but not getting the actual output:

"2022-08-19T12:33:52.4670000Z" <= now()

I applied gmt function but getting output like this 

  • Date out of range (2147483647)

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      Certified Associate Developer
      in reply to Harshit Bumb (Appyzie)


      local!apiResponse : rule!TCT_DocuSign_GetEnvelopeDefinition(envelopId: "eddc7569-2fe2-4667-b143-8e45f436489358eb9"),
      local!isExpired: if(not(isnull(local!expireAfter)),
      local!expireAfter <= now(),

      this is my code but value in local!ExpiredAfter is 2022-08-19T12:33:52.4670000Z and now() is 8/19/2022 2:56 AM PDT