I am facing problem in developing project.
I made relation in two table in appian cloud database. But when i insert data foreign key id is not inserted in second table. see the below screenshot
when document data inserted , request_id (2nd column) will be null.
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Appian will not automatically insert your id in that second table.
if( rule!APN_isBlank( pv!documentDetails ), null, a!forEach ( items: pv!documentDetails, expression: rule!CRP_constructNonDevDocumentDetails( docId: fv!item.docId, docType: fv!item.docType, requestId: pv!NondevProjectDetails.id, documentId: fv!item.documentId, isactive: fv!item.isactive, uploadedBy: fv!item.uploadedBy, uploadedOn : fv!item.uploadedOn ) ))
I map data of documentdetails as per above in process model and then after i store it in document table using store multiple entity. Above requestId is foreign key and i used main table id to assign to that.
OK, did you check the data in the process? Appian will write that value only if assigned and not-null.