Refresh grid with data from recorType after record deletion

Certified Lead Developer

Hi all,

Here are my needs:

I have a grid of records with checkboxes and a button. I woud like to delete selected records and refresh the grid.

Deletion works good. Refresh does not work.

I read alreqy these 3 posts with problems similas to mine,  without finding a solution:

What i did so far is to create a read only grid. Data are retriven from a recordType, relying directly from the DS. 

Clicking on checkboxes stores record ids on a local variable.

The button invokes a PM who does other operations before deleting checked records from DS.

All branches in PM are chained up to the delete step.

here the button:

              label: "Delete",
              icon: "trash",
              saveInto: {
                  processModel: cons!PM_deleteRequests,
                  processParameters: {
                    requestsToBeDeleted: local!selectedRequests
                  onSuccess: {
                    a!save(local!succes, local!succes + 1),
                    a!save(local!selectedRequests, null())
                  onError: a!save(local!error, true())

Here are the parameters:

         selectable: true,
          selectionStyle: "CHECKBOX",
          selectionValue: local!selectedRequests,
          selectionSaveInto: local!selectedRequests,
          validations: {},
          spacing: "DENSE",
          height: "AUTO",
          borderStyle: "STANDARD",
          refreshAlways: false,
          refreshAfter: "RECORD_ACTION",
          refreshOnVarChange: local!succes,
    /* I tried these last 3 param each one alone and in combination*/
          showSearchBox: false,
          showRefreshButton: false,
          recordActions: {}

here how a field in the grid is invoked:

              label: "Document Title",
              sortField: 'recordType!Request.fields.{documentTitle}documentTitle',
              value: fv!row['recordType!Request.fields.{documentTitle}documentTitle'],
              align: "START"

Any hint/help is welcome

Thanks A lot


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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    I do reply to my own message to explain how I solved this problem.

    The recordType I was using (and so far the only one relying on the DB table of my interest) was of type Data Store Entity.

    I created a new RecordType, from wizard I chose to keep the syncronization and then the type was Database.

    I created then a new interface from scratch using this new object but, the data parameter in the grid was just a recordtype.

    The grid has the parameter refreshOnVarChange: local!success and this local variable is updated each time the user clicks on my custom delete button. 

    The process model did not change.

    Thanks to ,  and for hints and help.


  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    I do reply to my own message to explain how I solved this problem.

    The recordType I was using (and so far the only one relying on the DB table of my interest) was of type Data Store Entity.

    I created a new RecordType, from wizard I chose to keep the syncronization and then the type was Database.

    I created then a new interface from scratch using this new object but, the data parameter in the grid was just a recordtype.

    The grid has the parameter refreshOnVarChange: local!success and this local variable is updated each time the user clicks on my custom delete button. 

    The process model did not change.

    Thanks to ,  and for hints and help.


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