Hi All,
I have inserted the interface code, comment field line :152, here how can we pass the ruleinput to value and saveinto parameter.?
thanks in advance.
a!localVariables( local!griddata: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:IA}IA_asupplier'(), local!selection: ri!addProduct.status, local!comments, a!formLayout( label: if( ri!Manager = true, "Approval for Product", "Add Product Details" ), contents: { a!sectionLayout( label: "", contents: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Product Name", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---", choiceLabels: cons!IA_ProductName, choiceValues: cons!IA_ProductName, value: ri!addProduct.productname, saveInto: ri!addProduct.productname, searchDisplay: "AUTO", required: true, disabled: ri!Manager = true(), validations: {} ), a!dropdownField( label: "Category Type", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Select a Value ---", choiceLabels: cons!IA_CategoryType, choiceValues: cons!IA_CategoryType, value: ri!addProduct.categoryType, saveInto: { ri!addProduct.categoryType }, searchDisplay: "AUTO", required: true, disabled: ri!Manager = true(), validations: {} ), a!paragraphField( label: "Product details", value: ri!addProduct.productdetails, saveInto: { ri!addProduct.productdetails }, required: true, disabled: ri!Manager = true() ) } ), a!columnLayout(contents: {}) } ) } ), a!gridLayout( label: "Supplier Details", labelPosition: "ABOVE", headerCells: { a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Name of Supplier"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Quantity"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Location"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "PhoneNumber"), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "") }, columnConfigs: { a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "ICON"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE"), a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "ICON") }, rows: { a!forEach( items: ri!addProduct.supplierDetails, expression: a!gridRowLayout( contents: { a!pickerFieldUsers( maxSelections: 1, groupFilter: cons!IA_SupplierGroup, value: fv!item.suppliername, saveInto: fv!item.suppliername, required: true, readOnly: ri!Manager = true ), a!integerField( value: fv!item.quantity, saveInto: fv!item.quantity, required: true, validations: if( tointeger(fv!item.quantity) <= 0, "Please enter greater than 0", {} ) ), a!textField( value: fv!item.location, saveInto: fv!item.location, readOnly: ri!Manager = true ), a!textField( value: fv!item.phoneNumber, saveInto: fv!item.phoneNumber, readOnly: ri!Manager = true ), a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextIcon( icon: "times", link: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: a!save( target: ri!addProduct.supplierDetails, value: remove(ri!addProduct.supplierDetails, fv!index) ) ), showWhen: ri!Manager = false, color: "NEGATIVE" ) ) } ) ) }, addRowLink: a!dynamicLink( label: "Add Suppplier", saveInto: a!save( target: ri!addProduct.supplierDetails, append( ri!addProduct.supplierDetails, local!griddata ) ), showWhen: ri!Manager = false() ), validations: {}, shadeAlternateRows: true ), a!radioButtonField( label: "Status", labelPosition: "ABOVE", choiceLabels: cons!IA_StatusARR, choiceValues: cons!IA_StatusARR, value: ri!addProduct.status, saveInto: ri!addProduct.status, showWhen: ri!Manager = true(), choiceLayout: "STACKED", validations: {} ), a!paragraphField( label: "Reason/Comments", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value:local!comments, saveInto:ri!addProduct.multicomments.comments, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "MEDIUM", showWhen: or( local!selection = "Reject", local!selection = "Return" ), required: true, readOnly: if( 'recordType!{fb9fc1c0-b1ff-43a2-aea6-c4a11b2d7bbe}IA AddProduct.fields.{ed9bcd81-5050-4eaa-90b9-f18c43a669ee}status' = "Return", true, false ) ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Submit", saveInto: ri!addProduct.activeStep, value: if(ri!addProduct.status = "Approve", 3, 2), submit: true, style: "PRIMARY" ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: if(ri!Manager = true, "Submit", "Cancel"), value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, style: "NORMAL", showWhen: ri!Manager = false(), validate: false ) } ) ) )
child cdt
parent cdt
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Hi there,
Your multiComments field of your parent CDT is of type another CDT that too list. Now because it is a list, you need to decide on which index do you want to store the comment. Either you build it is a loop so user can add multiple comments, or you make it single instead of list in the CDT or you need to fetch the existing comments from the DB and then use the next available index to store the values.