Hey Guys,
i just want to write a rule expression. wrting(create) data to the database using record type. the record type is already synced with the database.
I can not figure it out. i also tried using Write to record smart serice but i keep getiing error that i can not use record type.
how is something so easy so difficult to find solution.
please help. i just need a a expression structure for writing data to the database using record type
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You cannot modify data in an expression. That includes writing to the database or records.
Do this in a process model or in a saveInto of a UI component.
To write a record, use a!writeRecords()
can i use a!writeRecords() in a script task? i already tried i keep getting error. or do i need to do it in a write to record smart service?
As I already tried to explain. You can modify data only in a process or in a direct user interaction.
"The Write Records smart service is available as an expression function that can be executed inside a saveInto on a Interface Component or as part of a Web API."
You can try to describe your use case and we can help you to achieve this.