Aggregation of related records --> First value only


when a record type has a (1,n) relation, Appian supports some aggration for those related records ( 'Create Custom Record Field' --> 'AGGREGATE RELATED RECORD FIELDS').

The avaible aggregation functions seem to be dependend on the data type of the 'AGGREGATE RELATED RECORD FIELDS' - in any case, I'm looking for something like FIRST_OF (LAST_OF) so that I can get the first record field(s) of related data records (which are string based).

Maybe a small example: (Author)  <-- (Books) (an author can have many books)

Should be presented in a list

author number of books book title (first) book release year (first)
Scott Lynch 6 The Lies of Locke Lamora 2006

What would be a good way to achieve this?

Thank you in advance


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Parents Reply Children
  • I did not succeed in getting this to work in a custom record field:

    • I cannot access a 1:n relation from the base record type from the relationships (only the other way around relationships are "auto-completed"
    • I cannot reference the related record type itself: 'You must reference a record field or related record field from the base record type.'
    • its required to include (at least on) custom record function
    • not sure if the function is allowed in this kind of template ('Custom Record'): The following functions are not supported in this expression: [a!relatedRecordData]

    Maybe I did not yet get the syntax right though...

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to BE.Thomas

    Custom record fields are made for a pretty narrow range of typical use cases and might not cover yours. But you can always go the way and implement your own query and show that in a grid.