Hi all,
We are switching to a full record centric approach for our new projects. In our old projects we used to have an expression rule "XXX_setCdtDefault()" this would set the fields createdBy, createdOn, lastmodifiedBy and lastModifiedOn for each CDT right before saving.
if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!cdt), ri!cdt, a!update( ri!cdt, { "createdOn", "createdBy", "modifiedBy", "modifiedOn" }, { a!defaultValue(ri!cdt.createdOn, now()), a!defaultValue(ri!cdt.createdBy, loggedInUser()), loggedInUser(), now() } ) )
Since we will now use the Write Records smart service, we are no longer working with CDT's. Is there a way to do the same thing as before in a generic way for record types. If we want to update a record type, we need to pass the references to the record fields, so we cannot use the generic "createdOn" etc..I have come up with a workaround as shown below, but I would prefer it if we could just update the record instead of casting it to a map and back to a record type.
if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!type), ri!record, cast( ri!type, rule!ENM_setCdtDefault( cast( 'type!{http://www.appian.com/ae/types/2009}Map', ri!record ) ) ) )
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I do not know of a way to do that. I toyed around with trying to reference record fields in a dynamic way without success.