Hi there,
I have an array local variable here,
using a!save(local!array[1], true) does not work. any idea what's the problem?
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Can you share more of your code performing the save? Is this within a button?
Otherwise the a!save() expression you note above should not have any issues when used within a user interaction.
a!localVariables( local!array: {false,false}, { a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!forEach( items: local!array, expression: { tostring(fv!item), char(13) } ) ), a!buttonArrayLayout( align: "START", buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Save", saveInto: a!save(local!array[1],true) ) } ) } )
yes, but my local!array is defined like this (as the number of elements is vary, the array size will be same as the size of another arrary: somereferarray ):
local!array : a!forEach( items: somereferarray, expression: false ),
then it does not work