Source & Default Filters: expression Saving issue

I'm trying to save the filter with Or and 5 criteria. but it only let me save 4.

do you know any workaround or what is the litmit of this

operator: "OR",
filters: {

a!queryFilter(field: "year1", operator: "<", value: 2021),
a!queryFilter(field: "year2", operator: "<", value: 2021),

a!queryFilter(field: "year3", operator: "<", value: 2021),

a!queryFilter(field: "year4", operator: "<", value: 2021),

a!queryFilter(field: "year5", operator: "<", value: 2021)


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Parents Reply
  • Its an inescapable truth that you don't get something for nothing, so the more data you're processing the longer it will take. You can address this in different ways:

    • get less data
      • fetch only the data you need at the point you need it
      • retrieve data in smaller batches, if possible
    • apply less processing
      • don't condu7ct work you don't need to
    • increase your resources
      • add more infrastructure - more servers, more CPUs, more RAM (but you'll need to be absolutely sure which of those is going to address the actual problem you have)
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