Dear All,
In my earlier project I was using Appian On-premise and Oracle RBDMS, and in current project am using Appian cloud and Maria DB.
Am not understanding one scenario, which worked in earlier project and not working in current project.
Can some one help me understand this ?
> There is DB table "Employee" created in DEV & QA.
> There is an existing Datastore "DS_TA BLE" in both DEV & QA.
> Created a CDT "employee_test" in DEV (From existing Table) and the Data store Entity is mapped and verified automatically.
> When I deploy this CDT to QA, Why the Datastore Entity mapping is not happening automatically ?
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I think for that, you need to check "Automatically update the database schema" inside the datastore.
Yeah, you are correct. Is there a reason Admins are disabling these features ?