Memory Threshold error when querying data even after passing batchSize as 20

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

I have a requirement where I need to query with 40k input and output will be 2x or 3x of that. I have passed the batchSize as 20 and fetchTotalCount as true. I need to display the data in grid and need to export all in a excel also. But I am getting a time out error. Is there any way I can query these number of data in UI. Please help us with your suggestions.



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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Consider a view about millions of rows and user will be provide one particular field as input to filter from View. For low amount of data (tried upto 4k ) It is working. But the user said they will provide 40k input to search and it should query all the data. In such scenario we are getting timeout error. For excel we are using Export DSE to Excel,we are passing the data from UI and storing it in a temp table and exporting data from that temp table. So in grid and export both we need to display the resulted values. Now we are getting timeout error in query Entity.
