I need to perform full sync for a record when there is some tables updated in the Database. Is there a possibility to perform full synchronization in a process model without passing any identifiers to sync records smart service.
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It is directly not possible because you need to communicate database through the Appian for utilizing the Record sync feature. Alternatively you can fetch all the data with batches and write them back to database. Add once a day you can sync the record type automatically.
Okay ill look into this
There is a way in my opinion to trigger a full sync for a record type when changes in the database occurs. Precondition is that you have access to the system/process which performs the database changes to introduce a Web API call.
In order to perform an ad-hoc sync of a record, a fake deployment must be performed with a properties fie referencing the relevant record uuids. This takes advantage of the following feature of Appian: Trigger a Sync by Fake DeploymentSounds tricky, but it is working.
You need to use Sync Record Smart Service.
There are a few ways to sync your data using this smart service:
Thanks, but for triggering sync records smart service i need to have the primary keys of the record which is updated to pass as identifiers right? My concern is i dont have the primary keys.
Thanks, this is interesting ill learn about this. As of now a fake deployment is not something i can implement