my problem is that I can export correctly the entity and download as Excel file but when I open the file only appear the data of father CDT but not the rest of the nested CDT.
This is the code of my grid:
a!localVariables( local!autoridad:null, /*local!selectedAudiencia: ri!audiencia,*/ local!startIndex: a!refreshVariable( value: 1, refreshOnVarChange: {ri!selection,ri!autoridad, ri!motivo, ri!empleo, ri!ejercito, ri!situacion, ri!audiencia} ), local!pageSize: 10, local!sort: { a!sortInfo( field: "id", ascending: false() ) }, local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: local!startIndex, batchSize: local!pageSize, sort: local!sort ), local!selection: ri!selection, local!data: a!refreshVariable( value: rule!AU_ER_getAudienciasByFilter( autoridad: ri!autoridad, motivo: ri!motivo, empleo: ri!empleo, ejercito: ri!ejercito, situacion: ri!situacion, nombre: ri!nombre, pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo), refreshAlways: true, refreshInterval: 0.5, refreshOnVarChange: local!selection ), a!gridField( data: local!data, columns: { /*a!gridColumn( label: "ID", sortField: "id", value:index(fv!row, "id", null) ),*/ a!gridColumn( label: "", value: a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: a!richTextIcon(icon: "search"), link: a!startProcessLink( label: "", processModel: cons!AU_PM_ACTUALIZAR_SOLICITUD, processParameters: { selection: index(fv!row, "id", null), readOnly: true() } ) ) ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "", value: a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: a!richTextIcon(icon: "pencil-square-o"), link: a!startProcessLink( label: "", processModel: cons!AU_PM_ACTUALIZAR_SOLICITUD, processParameters: { selection: index(fv!row, "id", null), readOnly: if( or( index(index(fv!row, "situacionId", null),"descripcion", null)="CANCELADA", index(index(fv!row, "situacionId", null),"descripcion", null)="DENEGADA"), true(), false()) } ) ) ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Nombre", sortField: "nombre", value:index(fv!row, "nombre", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Apellidos", sortField: "apellidos", value:index(fv!row, "apellidos", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Teléfono", sortField: "telefono", value:index(fv!row, "telefono", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Correo electrónico", sortField: "email", value:index(fv!row, "email", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Dirtelex", sortField: "dirtelex", value:index(fv!row, "dirtelex", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Pa", sortField: "pa", value:index(fv!row, "pa", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Autoridad", sortField: "autoridadId", value:index(index(fv!row, "autoridadId", null),"descripcion", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Empleo", sortField: "empleoId", value:index(index(fv!row, "empleoId", null),"descripcion", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Ejército", sortField: "ejercitoId", value:index(index(fv!row, "ejercitoId", null),"descripcion", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Cuerpo", sortField: "cuerpo", value:index(fv!row, "cuerpo", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Archivado", sortField: "archivado", value:index(fv!row, "archivado", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Motivo audiencia", sortField: "motivoId", value:index(index(fv!row, "motivoId", null),"descripcion", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Fecha y hora audiencia", sortField: "fechaAudiencia", value:index(fv!row, "fechaAudiencia", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Fecha resolución", sortField: "fechaResolucion", value:index(fv!row, "fechaResolucion", null) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Situación", sortField: "situacionId.descripcion", value:index(index(fv!row, "situacionId", null),"descripcion", null) ) }, pagingSaveInto: { a!save(local!startIndex,fv!pagingInfo.startIndex), a!save(local!sort, fv!pagingInfo.sort) }, selectable: true, selectionstyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT" ) )
And this is the code of my interface filters with the export button:
a!localVariables( local!exportDocId, local!errorMessage, local!motivo: cast( 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AU}AU_MOTIVO?list', rule!AU_ER_getAllMotivo() ), local!empleo: cast( 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AU}AU_EMPLEO?list', rule!AU_ER_getAllEmpleo() ), local!ejercito: cast( 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AU}AU_EJERCITO?list', rule!AU_ER_getAllEjercito() ), local!autoridad: cast( 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AU}AU_AUTORIDAD?list', rule!AU_ER_getAllAutoridad() ), local!situacion: cast( 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AU}AU_SITUACION?list', rule!AU_ER_getAllSituacion()), { a!columnsLayout( columns: { /* Nombre */ a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Nombre", placeholder: "Nombre solicitante", value: ri!nombre, saveInto: ri!nombre, refreshAfter: "KEYPRESS", disabled: false(), validations: {} ) }, width: "NARROW" ), /* Autoridad */ a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Autoridad", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Seleccione autoridad ---", choiceLabels: local!autoridad.descripcion, choiceValues: local!autoridad.id, value: ri!autoridad.id, saveInto: ri!autoridad.id, searchDisplay: "AUTO", validations: {} ) }, width: "NARROW" ), /* Motivo*/ if( ri!justified_bool, {}, a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Motivo audiencia", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Seleccione motivo ---", choiceLabels: local!motivo.descripcion, choiceValues: local!motivo.id, value: ri!motivo.id, saveInto: ri!motivo.id, searchDisplay: "AUTO", validations: {} ) }, width: "NARROW" ) ), /* Empleo*/ if( ri!justified_bool, {}, a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Empleo", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Seleccione empleo ---", choiceLabels: local!empleo.descripcion, choiceValues: local!empleo.id, value: ri!empleo.id, saveInto: ri!empleo.id, searchDisplay: "AUTO", validations: {} ) }, width: "NARROW" ) ), /* Ejército*/ if( ri!justified_bool, {}, a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Ejército", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Seleccione ejército ---", choiceLabels: local!ejercito.descripcion, choiceValues: local!ejercito.id, value: ri!ejercito.id, saveInto: ri!ejercito.id, searchDisplay: "AUTO", validations: {} ) }, width: "NARROW" ) ), if( ri!justified_bool, {}, a!columnLayout( contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Situación", labelPosition: "ABOVE", placeholder: "--- Seleccione situación ---", choiceLabels: local!situacion.descripcion, choiceValues: local!situacion.id, value: ri!situacion.id, saveInto: ri!situacion.id, searchDisplay: "AUTO", validations: {} ) }, width: "NARROW" ) ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!sideBySideLayout( items: { a!sideBySideItem( item: /*item: if(*/ /*isnull(local!exportDocId),*/ /*This link field contains the link that starts the export*/ a!richTextDisplayField( label: "", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: a!richTextItem( text: a!richTextIcon(icon: "file-export", size: "LARGE"), link: a!dynamicLink( label: "Exportar archivo Excel", saveInto: { a!exportDataStoreEntityToExcel( entity: cons!AU_AudienciaDT_POINTER, filters: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: "autoridadId.id", operator: "=", value:ri!autoridad.id, applyWhen: not(isnull(ri!autoridad.id)) ), a!queryFilter( field: "motivoId.id", operator: "=", value:ri!motivo.id, applyWhen: not(isnull(ri!motivo.id)) ), a!queryFilter( field: "empleoId", operator: "=", value:ri!empleo.id, applyWhen: not(isnull(ri!empleo.id)) ), a!queryFilter( field: "situacionId.id", operator: "=", value:ri!situacion.id, applyWhen: not(isnull(ri!situacion.id)) ), a!queryFilter( field: "nombre", operator: "includes", value:ri!nombre, applyWhen: not(isnull(ri!nombre)) ), a!queryFilter( field: "ejercitoId.id", operator: "=", value:ri!ejercito.id, applyWhen: not(isnull(ri!ejercito.id)) ) } ), documentName: "Informe " & now(), saveInFolder: cons!AU_FOLDER_EXCEL, onSuccess: a!save( local!exportDocId, fv!newDocument ), /*This displays an error if there is an issue executing the save*/ onError: a!save( local!errorMessage, "Error al exportar archivo a Excel" ) ) } ), size: "SMALL" ), align: "RIGHT", marginAbove: "NONE") /*{}*/ /*)*/, width: "MINIMIZE" ), a!sideBySideItem( item: if( /*This only displays the download link if a valid document was created*/ not(isnull(local!exportDocId)), /*This changes the link to a download link for the newly created document */ /*a!linkField(*/ /*links: a!documentDownloadLink(*/ /*label: "Listo para descargar",*/ /*document: local!exportDocId*/ /*)*/ /*),*/ /*a!textField(*/ /*value: local!errorMessage,*/ /*readOnly: true*/ /*)*/ a!richTextDisplayField( label: "", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: a!richTextItem( text: a!richTextIcon( icon: "download", link: a!documentDownloadLink( label: "Listo para descargar", document: local!exportDocId ), size: "LARGE" )), align: "RIGHT"), a!textField( value: local!errorMessage, readOnly: true ) ), width: "MINIMIZE" ) }, alignVertical: "TOP", spacing: "SPARSE" ) }, width: "EXTRA_NARROW" ), a!columnLayout( contents: {}, width: "EXTRA_NARROW" ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!sideBySideLayout( items: { a!sideBySideItem( item: a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "", icon: "refresh", saveInto: { if(isnull(ri!selection), a!save( ri!selection, "0"), a!save( ri!selection, null())) }, size: "SMALL", style: "SECONDARY" ), a!buttonWidget( label: "Limpiar Filtros", value: null, saveInto: { if(isnull(ri!selection), a!save( ri!selection, "0"), a!save( ri!selection, null())), ri!autoridad, ri!motivo, ri!situacion, ri!empleo, ri!ejercito, ri!audiencia, ri!nombre, ri!fechaResolucion, local!exportDocId }, size: "SMALL", style: "LINK" ) }, align: "END" ) ) } ) } ) } ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: {} ), a!columnLayout( contents: {} ), a!columnLayout( contents: {} ) } ) } )
Thanks for your help.
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You'll most likely want to create a flattened View and use that to handle your export instead.
Sorry, I don't know what is a flattened View. Actually I have CDT's nested and they are connected by the Id and I don't know how I can export and dowload data from differents CDT in the same Excel file.
That's why I say you should create a view (that is, directly in the DB), which will include the linked data by ID you need, and then use that for your export (you would make a new CDT and DSE based on the view, and use that for your export.