Error grouping the record using HOUR_OF_DAY as interval

Certified Lead Developer


My team is trying to create a chart that warns users when an app is used the most. As soon as the user execute a process, we insert in Database some information (timestamp, typology, current user, etc). To generate the chart we use the following code:

  data: 'recordType!{2e39f6f7-a6b0-43c0-a1f2-39a16ddf112a}PGM interaccionesMotivosYCanales',
  config: a!lineChartConfig(
    showIntervalsWithNoData: true,
    primaryGrouping: a!grouping(
      field: 'recordType!{2e39f6f7-a6b0-43c0-a1f2-39a16ddf112a}PGM interaccionesMotivosYCanales.fields.{88cbc07e-c205-4ccc-8c3f-9245ea2bfbf1}timeStamp',
      alias: "timeStamp_hour_primaryGrouping",
      interval: "HOUR_OF_DAY"
    measures: a!measure(
      function: "COUNT",
      field: 'recordType!{2e39f6f7-a6b0-43c0-a1f2-39a16ddf112a}PGM interaccionesMotivosYCanales.fields.{dbcf9179-1efb-4c26-aac4-bc7c25fbded7}id',
      alias: "id_count_measures",

The problem is when we use "HOUR_OF_DAY" as interval parameter in grouping function, Appian doesn't convert the timestamp in Database (GMT format) to user's timezone.

Values in Database:

Timezone of the user:

Result of the execution (X-asis hour and Y-asis number of coincidences):

Is this a bug or I just forget something? Notice that using "HOUR" instead of "HOUR_OF_DAY", it does change the timestamp to that of the user



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