Need some design Input based on Record Type configuration

Certified Associate Developer

What should be the best practices in terms of Record Type or Entity  if requirement is as per below-

1- Data structures has to have more then 100+ columns

2- Many attributes are of 4000 Char length

Is it safe to use query entity instead of query record with above cases with the perspective that every thing is driven thru record type in future and most of the new featres will be based on record type.

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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Harshit Bumb (Appyzie)

    Yes but still record type doesn't allow more then 100 columns and also we faced issue with updating more than 1000 rows at once and sync which is also as per documentation. I feel record type is useful but for large volume process we still need to go for entity only-

    Excerpts from dcoumentation-

    "An immediate sync will only refresh the data that was changed by Appian. If more than 1,000 rows of data are changed by Appian, the smart service or integration will successfully write to the data source, but the immediate sync will fail. To prevent an immediate sync from failing, it's recommended to apply a limit to the associated smart service or integration so it does not update more than 1,000 rows at a time.

    If Appian is the only system writing to your database table or to Salesforce, immediate sync allows you to be confident that you are always working with fresh data."
