Read timed out issue on Record type sync

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

We have only one rows in DB to sync using record type but record sync is failing with below error:

[RecordSyncScheduler_Worker-1] ERROR com.appiancorp.record.service.BulkLoadServiceImpl - Error syncing record type with uuid: ********

com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: Unable to sync due to a system issue. Issue identifier: ******

Caused by: APNX-3-0300-000: Unable to process the request: Read timed out

We are getting this error in all cases whenever record sync is triggering. Like immediate sync, Manual sync, through system etc. And it is failing for all record type which has sync enabled.

Also because of this CPU and RAM usage on server side reaches to 100% which in turn bring the whole server down.

Does anyone faced the issue or if anyone has any solution to fix this. As we are stuck cause of this.

Thanks in Advance.

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