Dynamic Operators & Fields on query record.

I have a requirement where the user can select the 5 mutliple dropdown values,Sort for any one of 5 and operators for each value from operator dropdown and Gate operator (AND or OR).

Employee Dept(dropdown) Sort On(radio button) Operator(dropdown) Gate
Medical Yes = AND
Transport No is null OR
Finance No includes AND
Billing No = OR
Delivery No in AND

based on the user selected values I would required a query record with selected employee depts as fields in the filters with respective operators.

Can someone please provide your valuable suggestions to write queryrecord.

Thanks in Advance.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I do not really understand the logic you want to implement. Maybe you explain it in more detail.

  • Sorry for the confusion I have attached the ss for your reference.

    Now if I choose 5 employee depts on each dropdown and only one sort on , 5operators & 5 And/Or and passing these values into ruleinput using a CDT.

    Now this rule input I will pass into queryRecordType where the 5 employee depts will act the field in queryFilter.

    Example query: 
    recordType: EMployeeDataRecord,
    filters: a!queryLogicalExpression(
    operator: "OR",
    logicalExpressions: {
    items: ri!EmployeeCriteria,
    expression: a!queryLogicalExpression(
    operator: fv!item.gate,
    filters: a!queryFilter(
    field: fv!item.employeeDept,
    operator: fv!item.operator,
    value: if(
    cleanwith(fv!item.value, "0123456789") = fv!item.value,


    ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true

    The sample Structure of the CDT will be 

    local!defaultData: {
    id: null,
    employeeDept: "Medical",
    sortOn: null,
    operator: "=",
    gate: "AND",
    id: null,
    employeeDept: "Transport ",
    sortOn: null,
    operator: "is null",
    gate: "OR",
    id: null,
    employeeDept: "Finance",
    sortOn: null,
    operator: "includes",
    gate: "AND",
    id: null,
    employeeDept: "Billing",
    sortOn: null,
    operator: "=",
    gate: "AND",

    id: null,
    employeeDept: "Delivery",
    sortOn: null,
    operator: "in",
    gate: "AND",
    value: "d"


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to hemap0003

    You need to replace employeeDept in your dictionary with a record field reference (i.e. recordType.recordField) instead of a text value.