Unable to Query a field on PostgreSql "Custom data Type" on Query Entity

Hi All,

Scenario is we are connected to a PostgreSQL that has a custom data type, from which we we're able to create a CDT on Appian end and manage to verify it on our Data Store.

for the custom data type on Postgre, we transform it to a text and it went well. However when doing a specific query to that specific field, thats where the issue persist.

Can you advice on this?

Data on Postgre

Error when doing a query on the specific field

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Isn't this a duplicate of

    Hi All, Can you advice how can I map the "status" field with a custom datatype on the table to Appian CDT? I tried using the Text/String but when verifying on the Datastore, "No match tables found…
    By in Discussions > Data and Records
    3 replies

  • Not Actually, though that one is the first issue we encountered and was actually fixed by changing schema. The current one is after changing schema and mapping the DB thru query entity.