How to select unique rows from DataSubset based on one field

Certified Senior Developer

I have a rule rule expression which returns a datasubset in which the data has repeating rows. Since the data is coming from a view in mysql backend, I want to handle this in appian by getting only unique rows and remove all duplicate rows while still maintaining the paging. The data should be unique for 'stateroomRequestId'. I have tried using union but it does not work with datasubsets and only data

  fetchtotalcount: ri!fetchtotalcount,
  query: a!query(
    selection: if(
        columns: a!forEach(
          items: ri!selection,
          expression: a!queryColumn(
            field: fv!item
    aggregation: ri!aggregation,
    logicalexpression: a!queryLogicalExpression(
      operator: "AND",
      logicalexpressions: ri!logicalexpressions,
      filters: {
      ignorefilterswithemptyvalues: true
    paginginfo: if(
      a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 1),

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  • I want to handle this in appian by getting only unique rows and remove all duplicate rows while still maintaining the paging

    To be honest with you, I don't see how this is possible from a conceptual standpoint. If I have requested 10 rows with a certain sort, de-duplicating the data necessitates that the result won't have the same number of items, right?

    Can you give more context on what you're trying to do with this data? Why does it need to stay as a datasubset?

    And also to Stefan's point, this sounds like an issue with your database view. Can you change the view to support this data correctly?

  • I want to handle this in appian by getting only unique rows and remove all duplicate rows while still maintaining the paging

    To be honest with you, I don't see how this is possible from a conceptual standpoint. If I have requested 10 rows with a certain sort, de-duplicating the data necessitates that the result won't have the same number of items, right?

    Can you give more context on what you're trying to do with this data? Why does it need to stay as a datasubset?

    And also to Stefan's point, this sounds like an issue with your database view. Can you change the view to support this data correctly?

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