I have a read only grid with recordType as data source. The total records are N, more than 5000. I have the need to show a column in the grid with a progressive index, from 1 to N.
Is there a way to achieve this using the recordType and without loosing some functionalities like user filters, excel export, etc.?
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Ooooh this is a fun question! I think your best bet here is to use the information in fv!currentPage, since that has the start index and identifiers of the current page. Here's an example column for how I was able to get it to work:
a!gridColumn( label: "Index", value: fv!currentPage.startIndex - 1 + wherecontains(fv!identifier, tointeger(fv!currentPage.identifiers)) )
It works! Thank you Peter!
..I add a question: is it possible to export the grid including this new "virtual" column to Excel or at this point do I necessarily have to move on to creating a view?