Error in nested CDT

Certified Senior Developer

I have updated parent CDT(UK_AWTS_Requests) to add 2 new fields. While creating new version using xsd, I was getting below Info warning for one of the child CDT(UK_AWTS_REF_STATUS) present in it.

I ignored above , created new CDT and promoted to Runway. However in Runway all the dependent objects are still referring to older version of CDT.

Also all dependent objects are showing ^8 special character.

Can somebody tell me what needs to be done in this case.

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    It seems like the issue might be related to the recent changes made to the parent CDT (UK_AWTS_Requests) not reflecting in the dependent objects in Runway. To resolve this, you should:

    1. Check the XSD and make sure the changes in the parent CDT are correctly reflected in the XSD.

    2. Ensure that the new version of the XSD has been properly deployed and is in use.

    3. Verify that all dependent objects have been updated to reference the new version of the CDT (UK_AWTS_Requests) in their configurations.

    4. Address the '^8' special character issue, which might be related to encoding or character set problems.

    If the problem persists after these steps, you may need to investigate further to identify the specific cause of the issue.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to srikanthreddy9369

    Thanks for the reply. I had not included child CDT in package as changes were in parent CDT only. Do we always need to include it?

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Hemant Borate

    Including the child CDT in the package depends on whether the child CDT is being referenced or used by any of the dependent objects. If the child CDT is not directly used in the configurations of the dependent objects and the changes were only made in the parent CDT, you may not need to include it in the package. However, if any of the dependent objects do reference the child CDT, you should include it to ensure that the complete configuration is up-to-date. It's essential to verify the dependencies and configuration requirements to determine whether including the child CDT is necessary in each specific case.