not able to hide related action

i have a requirement where  "close" related action should be visible when status is not denied and closed . 
i kept this condition in  " views and action security " but the relatedaction is still visible on the request when status is closed/denied also

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    Certified Lead Developer

    That is simple boolean logic. Show it when the status is NOT "Denied" OR NOT "Closed". As it cannot be "Denied" AND "Closed" at the same time, this action will always be visible. You might just change the dropdown to "AND".

    In my apps, I add a boolean field "isCompleted" to my case records. If this is true, then there is nothing to do anymore, independent of the status. Years ago, I ran into a situation where I had 5 different status values, and all had the meaning "closed". So I changed my approach to look at the status as the outcome of the process.