Hello Everyone,
I would like to apply filter for the process report using queryprocessanalytics.Configured the queryfilters as below but none of the approach helped me.The result is null.
a!queryFilter( field: index(index("c7","employeeDetails",{}),"employeeId",{}), operator: "=", value: "7" ),
a!queryFilter(field: "c7[recordTye!EmployeeDetails.fields.employeeId]"operator: "=",value: "7"),
I have tried to index the same way on the process report data fields > Definition but not able to get the indexed value.Is there any way to filter the values of particular field in record type.
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Does the Employee Details column in your report (the one corresponding to C7) actually show up correctly on the Process Report? Could you include a screenshot? Also: can you confirm my assumption that the column's value is just defined like "=pv!employeeDetails" where pv!employeeDetails is the recordtype data item?
yeah pv!employeeDetails is the recordType.
I did some investigations, and it seems like indexing into record type data in process reports is not supported currently. This includes filtering.
If you need to filter for this field, you will have to copy it into a separate process variable and use this instead.