in a paragraph field i will provide input as
How this data will be stored in db ,is it will be in line by line as separate string or as a single string
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If I understood correctly, you want to store these as separate line items in the DB but have them in one paragraph field in the interface?
yes Mathieu Drouin
Hello Fursat,You can try using the below format. But you will have to construct the data for each line value and map your Parent record/data PK here and also try to have a sort/order value using the indexes, so that the text entered is always displayed in the correct order.
a!localVariables( local!save, local!update:if( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!save), {}, reject( fn!isnull(_), split(local!save," ") ) ), { a!paragraphField( label: "Paragraph", labelPosition: "ABOVE", value: local!save, saveInto: local!save, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "MEDIUM", validations: {} ) } )
Split them using the split function and then run a!forLoop() in it to construct a CDT for every item the split() function returned.
= a!localVariables( local!emails: ri!emailAddresses, local!invalidEmails: if( isnull(local!emails), {}, joinarray( reject( isnull(_), a!forEach( items: split(local!emails, " "), expression: if( regexmatch( pattern: "^[A-Z0-9\'\+\&\%_-]+(\.{0,1}[A-Z0-9\'\+\&\%_-]+)*[@]{1}[A-Z0-9.-]*[A-Z0-9-]+[.]{1}[A-Z]{2,6}$", searchString: fv!item, regexFlags: "si" ), null, fv!index ) ) ), "," ) ), local!validation: if( isnull(local!invalidEmails), {}, "Invalid email at " & local!invalidEmails & " position(s) " ), a!paragraphField( label: "Email Addresses", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", placeholder: "Email Addresses should be one per line (can be pasted from Excel)", value: ri!emailAddresses, saveInto: ri!emailAddresses, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "TALL", required: true, validations: local!validation ) )
Hi Harshit Bumb (Appyzie) / Konduru Chaitanya ,this is my code where i will be pasting /entering email addresses in line by line in paragraph field . so i want to have 2 validations where 1st validation checks for line delimiter and 2nd validation for email format .How the emailaddresses are saved in dB is it line by line only ?I should pass this email addresses to an api in line by line .can you please suggest how to validate those emails and then pass it to api line by line.
emailAddresses is one of text field in CDT and when entering the values in paragraph field it is storing the data in rule input of that cdt as shown below
Could you please try the below changed code. Also you can create a rule to do the separation of email ids and call it in your API and as well as here to validate the email addresses. so that you don't have to worry about validating while using this string anywhere else. You can handle it in the interface and make sure the user does not submit an invalid list of email addresses. In this way you don't have to worry about how it is saving in your DB. Because users can enter in different ways. So, I recommend make use of email identifiers such as .com to find where your text has to be broken into different parts instead of relying on spaces or any other values.
= a!localVariables( local!emails: ri!emailAddresses, local!individualMail: if( a!isNullOrEmpty(local!emails), {}, reject(fn!isnull(_), split(local!emails, " ")) ), local!invalidEmails: substitute( tostring( reject( fn!isnull(_), a!forEach( items: local!individualMail, expression: if( validateemailaddress(fv!item), null, fv!index ) ) ) ), ";", "," ), local!validation: if( isnull(local!invalidEmails), {}, "Invalid email at " & local!invalidEmails & " position(s) " ), a!paragraphField( label: "Email Addresses", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", placeholder: "Email Addresses should be one per line (can be pasted from Excel)", value: ri!emailAddresses, saveInto: ri!emailAddresses, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "TALL", required: true, validations: local!validation ) )
Konduru Chaitanya : I have used your above code but getting invalid email even though it is in email format .
Not sure why. I am not getting any errors for the same email address. Could you please share your rule/local variable section with the data. and what is the type for the rule input.
Konduru Chaitanya : emailaddresses is a text type in CDT
if i add space after emailaddress then i'm not getting any error ,what is need of adding space
Here's a similar but alternative approach I just typed up, for what it's worth:
a!localVariables( local!emailParagraphText, local!individualEmails: if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!emailParagraphText), a!forEach( split(local!emailParagraphText, char(10)), if(a!isNotNullOrEmpty(fv!item), fv!item, {}) ), {} ), local!invalidEmails: a!flatten(a!forEach( local!individualEmails, if( validateemailaddress(fv!item), {}, fv!item ) )), a!paragraphField( label: "emails", value: local!emailParagraphText, saveInto: { a!save( local!emailParagraphText, clean(save!value) ) }, validations: { if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!invalidEmails), "Invalid emails entered: " & joinarray(local!invalidEmails, ", "), {} ) } ) )
will these data also be saved in db as line by line?
ZAINAB said:will these data also be saved in db as line by line?
You're getting ahead of yourself a little bit. None of this will affect how the data is saved to the DB either way, that is completely separate processing that would need to happen later. You should work to understand this step fully before moving on to worrying about the DB structure issues.