Hello Everybody, Has anyone had success creating a facet that filters

Certified Associate Developer
Hello Everybody,

Has anyone had success creating a facet that filters results based on a null value? I've found three previous forum posts on the subject but none of them have any solutions or workarounds (The solution in the first post doesn't work outside of a limited dataset where all possible values are known)



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  • You can either use a custom function named - executequery() and can run the SQL statement with "IS NULL" clause in your facet expression editor that will bring the appropriate records (column with which NULL needs to be compared) - the output of this will be a JSON Array and you can use custom function to parse JSON into array and this will solve your problem, OR as jasonr suggested, you can insert a Dummy String in the particular column when the value of that column is NULL, during inserting/updating the tuple in the database, and can then create a query rule with one of the input equal to that "Dummy String" inserted.
  • You can either use a custom function named - executequery() and can run the SQL statement with "IS NULL" clause in your facet expression editor that will bring the appropriate records (column with which NULL needs to be compared) - the output of this will be a JSON Array and you can use custom function to parse JSON into array and this will solve your problem, OR as jasonr suggested, you can insert a Dummy String in the particular column when the value of that column is NULL, during inserting/updating the tuple in the database, and can then create a query rule with one of the input equal to that "Dummy String" inserted.
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