Duplicate a field in database


I am trying to duplicate a field in database table along with data 

Can any one suggest me how to do this?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Can you give an example of what you're trying to do?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is not really Appian related, but ChatGPT gave me this answer

    To duplicate a field in a database table along with its data, you'll typically follow these steps:

    1. **Backup Your Database:**
    Before making any changes, it's essential to create a backup of your database to avoid data loss in case something goes wrong.

    2. **Alter Table:**
    Use the `ALTER TABLE` statement to add a new column to the table. Specify the data type of the new column, and any constraints that should be applied.

    ALTER TABLE your_table
    ADD COLUMN new_column_name data_type;

    Replace `your_table` with the actual name of your table, `new_column_name` with the name of the new column, and `data_type` with the data type you want for the new column.

    3. **Update Data:**
    You can then copy the data from the existing column to the new column using an `UPDATE` statement.

    UPDATE your_table
    SET new_column_name = old_column_name;

    Replace `old_column_name` with the name of the column you want to duplicate, and `new_column_name` with the name of the new column.

    4. **Verify Data:**
    Check the data in the new column to ensure that the duplication was successful.

    5. **Remove Old Column (Optional):**
    If you no longer need the old column, you can use the `ALTER TABLE` statement to drop the old column.

    ALTER TABLE your_table
    DROP COLUMN old_column_name;

    Replace `old_column_name` with the name of the column you want to remove.

    6. **Commit Changes:**
    Depending on the database management system you're using, you might need to commit your changes to make them permanent.

    Remember to replace placeholder values with your actual table and column names, and always take precautions, such as making backups, before making significant changes to your database structure. Additionally, the specific syntax may vary slightly depending on the database system you are using (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, etc.).

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    hi   you can do using this statements

    ALTER TABLE your_table
    ADD COLUMN new_column_name datatype;
    UPDATE your_table
    SET new_column_name = old_column_name;

    But just wanted to know actual requirement  why are you trying to duplicate data. It may not be best practice sometimes

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer


    In case you want to duplicate the field along with its data without actually adding the field then below query would do the Job.

    select *, actualColumnName as newColumnName from Table_Name

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Abhishek Karumuru

    I think   needs the column data as well along with the table name.