How to update a recordType records with updateDictionary/update functions?

Certified Senior Developer


I've already used the updatedictionary and update functions with CDT, but how it works with RecordType? Could you show me the correct syntax please ?

/* works fine with CDT */
  local!dataVehicles: a!queryEntity(...),

  local!vehicles: a!forEach(
    items: local!dataVehicles,
    expression: a!update(
      data: fv!item, 
      index: {
      value: {
/* does not work */
  local!dataVeh: a!queryRecordType(
    recordType: 'recordType!Vehicles',
    fields: {
    pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 500)

  local!vehicles: a!forEach(
    items: local!dataVeh,
    expression: a!update(
      data: fv!item['recordType!Vehicle'], 
      index: {
      value: { 
/* Does not work */
  local!vehicles: a!forEach(
    items: local!dataVeh,
    expression: updatedictionary(
      dictionary: fv!item['recordType!Vehicle'], 
      fieldsAndValues: {
        fv!item['recordType!']: 1,
        fv!item['recordType!Vehicle.fields.model']: "my model"

Best regards

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