Database migration from MariaDB on-premise to MySQL on-premise

Certified Lead Developer


We have a requirement in our running project that we need to migrate our database(MariaDB on-premise) to MySQL on-premise DB.
Currently in our applications we are using CDTs and records and my concerns are-

  • In Appian system, what are the changes we need to do?
  • Is there any impact on existing filters, summary views, and etc. if we change the source of the records?
  • Any impact on existing DSE object?
  • Can you please suggest the impact on any other artifacts in Appian?


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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    1. Update Appian's data sources to point to the new MySQL database.
    2. Check and adjust Custom Data Types (CDTs) for any compatibility issues with MySQL.
    3. Redirect Appian Record Types to fetch data from MySQL instead of MariaDB.
    4. Conduct thorough testing of all Appian interfaces to ensure that filters, summary views, and reports are functioning correctly with MySQL.
    5. Ensure Data Store Entities (DSEs) are correctly mapped to the new MySQL tables.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Srinivas
    Redirect Appian Record Types to fetch data from MySQL instead of MariaDB.

    Hi Srinivas , What does Redirect mean??

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to venkat Avuluri

    "redirecting Appian Record Types to fetch data from MySQL instead of MariaDB" means updating the data source configurations within your Appian application so that the Record Types now point to the new MySQL database tables rather than the old MariaDB tables.

    process  involves:

    Updating Data Source: Changing the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) URL in the Appian Administration Console to connect to the MySQL database instead of MariaDB.

    Modifying Record Type Configurations: Adjusting the Record Type configurations in the Appian Designer to use the new data source which points to MySQL.

    Ensure compatibility: Making sure that the structure of the tables in MySQL matches what the Appian Records expect in terms of table names, column names, data types, and any other schema details.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Srinivas

    Hello  ,

    By redirecting the record type to newly mapped MySQL DB, is there any impact on record query rules, referenced record type fields in all places like interfaces, user filters etc?

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to mohits1040

    When redirecting Appian Record Types to a new MySQL database, you should consider the following impacts:

    1. Record Query Rules: Update any database-specific syntax in your record query rules to be compatible with MySQL.
    2. Field References: Check that all fields referenced in interfaces and processes match the new MySQL schema.
    3. User Filters: Verify user filters in interfaces work with MySQL and adjust as necessary.
    4. Data Types: Confirm that data types are consistent between MariaDB and MySQL, as discrepancies can affect data display and logic.
    5. Database Functions: Replace or rewrite any database functions that do not directly translate from MariaDB to MySQL.