Hello everyone,
I have 3 record types. "Orders", "Products" and "Order Product Variations" (relationship).Orders (id, createdOn)Products(id, categoryId) *category must be equal to 5Order Product Variations (id, productId, quantity, createdOn)
I want to create an interface that shows which products are ordered for each day.
I want to ask what is the best way to proceed with this. This interface will be used by the Canteen Manager to prepare lunch orders for employees.
At a later stage I will try to show which employees ordered each food.
Case scenarios:
##########Case No1###################
Today: 23 Feb 2024 08:00 AM
1st list el:--------------------------------------------Orders for 23/02/2024
2nd list el:--------------------------------------------Orders for 22/02/2024
###########Case No2##################
Today: 23 Feb 2024 09:31 AM
1st list el:--------------------------------------------Orders for 24/02/2024
2nd list el:--------------------------------------------Orders for 23/02/2024
3rd list el:--------------------------------------------Orders for 22/02/2024
Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible
Do you already have something? I mean, asking us to analyze your data structure and implement running code for you might a bit too much!?!
The code I have at the moment doesn't work for me as I want it. I tried this but data are not as I want them...
a!localVariables( local!lunchOrdersPerDay: a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation', fields: { a!aggregationFields( groupings: { a!grouping( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{399b36b5-c6ae-4b9b-a144-3a4639dcab41}createdOn', interval: "DATE", alias: "createdOn", ), a!grouping( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{839da51e-c9d0-44c7-a17c-9cf842ac54d8}product.fields.{6dd1c941-3e1f-45c7-9a13-bfdc7e900d30}name', alias: "product" ), }, measures: { a!measure( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{f264cc1d-2ee5-49b0-8645-76b6d4195e8c}productId', function: "COUNT", alias: "count" ) } ) }, filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{839da51e-c9d0-44c7-a17c-9cf842ac54d8}product.fields.{fcd0f810-cba5-406a-9cf0-930e1718bcf2}categoryId', operator: "=", value: 5 ) }, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5000) ) )
Not sure If I have to make multiple queries and adjust my data using for loops and variables.I get this as a result
[product:Chickpeas with spinach, count:1, createdOn:2/22/2024]; [product:Briam, count:1, createdOn:2/23/2024]; [product:Chickpeas with spinach, count:2, createdOn:2/23/2024]
Can you update your post and use this?
What looks wrong in the above output? Correct me if I am wrong, As per your aggregation you have got the correct values. If you want to get the data based on the date selection have another filter in your queryRecordType which will have a variable for selected Date.
Hello again. Am having an update. Unfortunately I couldn't do this with just one query. I had to loop threw pas days a make a query for each day according to the time range requirements. Here is my code. Am sure there is a way to improve my code even more. If you have any suggestions to improve it let me know. :)
/* LunchOrders Interface */ { a!localVariables( local!orderDate, local!mySelection, local!selectedRow, a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!sectionLayout( label: "Lunch Orders", contents: { a!localVariables( local!startDate: today() + 1, /*+ intervalds(09, 30, 0),*/ local!endDate: local!startDate - 10, /* Get all dates from today to 9 days back*/ local!workingDatesWithNulls: a!forEach( items: enum( 1 + tointeger(local!startDate - local!endDate) ), expression: { if( calisworkday(local!startDate - fv!item), local!startDate - fv!item, null ) } ), /* if fv!item is null return position (index)*/ local!nullIndices: a!forEach( items: local!workingDatesWithNulls, expression: if(isnull(fv!item), fv!index, null()) ), local!getNullIndices: remove( local!nullIndices, where( a!forEach( items: local!nullIndices, expression: if(a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!item), true, false) ) ) ), /* Remove positions that have null value from array with dates */ local!workingDates: remove( local!workingDatesWithNulls, local!getNullIndices ), a!forEach( items: local!workingDates, expression: { a!localVariables( local!lunchOrdersPerDay: a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation', fields: { a!aggregationFields( groupings: { a!grouping( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{839da51e-c9d0-44c7-a17c-9cf842ac54d8}product.fields.{65910d5d-681b-4729-b01c-27bf7096c77c}id', alias: "id" ), a!grouping( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{839da51e-c9d0-44c7-a17c-9cf842ac54d8}product.fields.{6dd1c941-3e1f-45c7-9a13-bfdc7e900d30}name', alias: "product" ) }, measures: { a!measure( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{62806eb9-d749-4771-838a-ff1bc24c5197}quantity', function: "SUM", alias: "count" ) } ) }, filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{839da51e-c9d0-44c7-a17c-9cf842ac54d8}product.fields.{fcd0f810-cba5-406a-9cf0-930e1718bcf2}categoryId', operator: "=", value: 5 ), a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{399b36b5-c6ae-4b9b-a144-3a4639dcab41}createdOn', operator: "between", value: { gmt(fv!item - intervalds(14, 30, 0)), gmt(fv!item + intervalds(09, 30, 0)) } ) }, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5000) ).data, { if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!lunchOrdersPerDay), rule!ICOS_LunchOrdersPerDay( lunchDate: fv!item, lunchOrders: local!lunchOrdersPerDay, orderDate: local!orderDate, mySelection: local!mySelection, selectedRow: local!selectedRow ), {} ) } ) } ) ) } ) } ), a!columnLayout( contents: if(a!isNotNullOrEmpty(local!selectedRow["id"]), { a!localVariables( local!perProductEmloyeeOrders: a!queryRecordType( recordType: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation', fields: { 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{679bda44-9473-47de-9a65-ef3a5a314c9d}order.relationships.{ffcd3b5e-f97c-4f0c-acdc-0844a9dca960}assigneeUser' }, filters: { a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{f264cc1d-2ee5-49b0-8645-76b6d4195e8c}productId', operator: "=", value: local!selectedRow["id"] ), a!queryFilter( field: 'recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{399b36b5-c6ae-4b9b-a144-3a4639dcab41}createdOn', operator: "between", value: { gmt(local!orderDate - intervalds(14, 30, 0)), gmt(local!orderDate + intervalds(09, 30, 0)) } ) }, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 5000) ).data, { a!cardLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextHeader( text: text(local!orderDate,"dd/mm/YYYY") & " - " & local!selectedRow["product"], size: "SMALL" ) }, marginAbove: "LESS" ), a!cardLayout( contents: { a!gridField( label: text(local!orderDate,"dd/mm/YYYY") & " - " & local!selectedRow["product"], labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", data: local!perProductEmloyeeOrders, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Order Id", value: a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: "#" & fv!row['recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{7effecc6-7ad7-4664-a95e-b4572964fab7}orderId'], link: a!recordLink( recordType: 'recordType!{a6586e03-53d4-47ea-8f21-52d658700d3b}ICOS Order', identifier: fv!row['recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{7effecc6-7ad7-4664-a95e-b4572964fab7}orderId'] ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ) ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Employee", value: if(a!isNotNullOrEmpty(fv!row['recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{679bda44-9473-47de-9a65-ef3a5a314c9d}order.relationships.{ffcd3b5e-f97c-4f0c-acdc-0844a9dca960}assigneeUser']), fv!row['recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.relationships.{679bda44-9473-47de-9a65-ef3a5a314c9d}order.relationships.{ffcd3b5e-f97c-4f0c-acdc-0844a9dca960}assigneeUser.fields.{SYSTEM_RECORD_TYPE_USER_FIELD_firstAndLastName}firstAndLastName'], "" ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Message", value: fv!row['recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{1c8fb762-47aa-47a7-b677-dff286da94d1}message'], backgroundColor: "INFO" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Quantity", value: fv!row['recordType!{43c0dc45-98e0-40cf-aae3-b85bfa2dfeee}ICOS Order Product Variation.fields.{62806eb9-d749-4771-838a-ff1bc24c5197}quantity'], align: "END" ) }, validations: {}, borderStyle: "LIGHT", shadeAlternateRows: true, refreshInterval: 0.5 ) }, height: "AUTO", style: "NONE", padding: "NONE", marginBelow: "STANDARD", showBorder: false ) }, height: "AUTO", style: "#ffede7", shape: "ROUNDED", padding: "STANDARD", marginBelow: "STANDARD", showBorder: false ) } ) }, {} ) ) } ) ) }
/* LunchOrdersPerDay sub interface */ a!localVariables( local!toggleCard: if(ri!lunchDate = ri!orderDate, true, false), { a!cardLayout( contents: { a!sideBySideLayout( items: { a!sideBySideItem( item: a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextItem( text: text(ri!lunchDate, "dd/mm/YYYY"), link: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: { a!save( target: local!toggleCard, value: not(local!toggleCard) ) } ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE", style: "STRONG" ) ) ), a!sideBySideItem( item: a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextIcon( icon: "angle-down", link: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: { a!save( target: local!toggleCard, value: not(local!toggleCard) ) } ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ), align: "RIGHT" ) ) } ), a!cardLayout( contents: { a!gridField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", data: ri!lunchOrders, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "ID", sortField: "id", value: fv!row.id ), a!gridColumn( label: "Product", sortField: "product", value: fv!row.product ), a!gridColumn( label: "Quantity", sortField: "count", value: fv!row.count, align: "END" ) }, pageSize: 10, selectable: true, selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT", selectionValue: if(ri!lunchDate = ri!orderDate, ri!mySelection, null), selectionSaveInto: { a!save( ri!selectedRow, index( fv!selectedRows, length(fv!selectedRows), null ) ), a!save( ri!mySelection, index(save!value, length(save!value), null) ), a!save( target: ri!orderDate, value: ri!lunchDate ) }, validations: {}, borderStyle: "LIGHT", refreshInterval: 1.0 ) }, showWhen: local!toggleCard, style: "NONE", padding: "NONE", showBorder: false ) }, style: "INFO", shape: "ROUNDED", padding: "STANDARD", marginBelow: "STANDARD", showBorder: false ) } )